Friday 4 September 2009

Canada 2009: The Land Between Two Waters... But in the Water

Sha Sha, Princess Buttercup, and Prince Feathers all take to the sea. PB was kayak escort as we looped around a near by island (she's in the shade on the right). Not so far away, but tougher than usual after un verre de vin.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau (also known as Ty, pictured far right) took Dob and I 90 feet underwater for a lovely ship wreck old battleship and all of the surrounding wildlife to explore. Some ear trouble and a bit of breathing-under-water paranoia, but Jacques was cool with a slooooooooow descent and I made it back in one piece.
Ok, so the Griff and Sage aren't "in" the water, but close...
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