Saturday 9 May 2009

2 Minutes

A wee update on Savvy:

- She understands time: "2 minutes. 2 minutes" if she wants more time. And "NO minutes, NO minutes" if she wants something "now".

- She speaks in the third person all of the time and calls herself "Mana" for Savannah.

- A few weeks ago, her cot was converted into a proper bed. Bye bye toddler cage :(

- She reads stories to her dolls and has memorised enough little tales to be able to pull it off. "It's raining, it's pouring" and "humpty dumpty" are favourites.

- She can tell you when she is tired, when she's happy, and when she's hungry etc. This makes things much much easier.

- She is very honest: Mom asks: "Why is daddy sad, what happened?". Reply from Savage: "Mana pull daddy hair". "Mana push daddy; daddy all fall down".

- She will sway her tummy side to side and cuddle up with a gushing smile for at least 2 full minutes before asking you for what she really wants. "Open this" "More treats" "Outside". It's very effective.

- She will dish out a pish (kiss) to anyone who needs one and it is the cutest thing ever when dob has a sore back and she asks him to lean down so she can give his back a kiss. Then she says "that's better". This is also very effective.

A vid below of a toy that started out as Sav's, moved to MegaDob's and is now mine. It rules. This maserpiece used pretty much every piece in the box.

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