Monday 11 August 2008

Canada 2008

Well, I forgot the disc that was burned for me with all of team japan's photos, so there will be a delay in actually posting pictures. Our camera is now repaired and home, so this problem will be no more... hopefully.

If I did have pics to post, you would see some of:

- Clever and kind Chi and Aya, taking care of Savvy
- Chi and Aya on clown dress up day
- Building castles on the beach
- Eating at the Blue Table with Chi, Aya, and Joline
- General pics of the family

AND, there would be video footage of

- Aya's "Ganky Moly Ha Ha Ha" super hero slash dance routine
- Savvy sleeping on uncle Chris' chest

We had a rough intro to vancouver with a tear filled flight and some Savage behaviour, but the little one calmed down and soon found her grouve. Highlights for Savvy will be

- Jetlag phase 1: playing in the pantry with popsicle sticks and macaroni at 3am
- Jetlag phase 2: playing in the gym with the giant excercise balls at 4am
- Jetlag phase 3: the park in the dark at 5am
- Jetlag, the final phase: coffee and banana loaf at Bucks/Urban Fare at 6am
- Eating Lynnie's Goldfish during her hunger strike
- Shouting "Daddy" when she saw MegaDob on Skype video
- Hanging with Shark, Ty, Cday and Jbird at the Ultimate pitches
- Learning new words: Cat, Ball, Bye Bye, Ping Pong
- Constant and wonderful entertainment from Chi and Aya
- Learning how to ride Nana's fire truck properly
- Being babysat by Lynnie, Chris, Kumi, and Nana
- Blueberries, cheese, and fishy cheese

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