Friday 29 February 2008

Eco Blog Number 5 - Composting

Eco blog number 5 will see the rob/dob/how clan take up composting. A bit nervous since we haven't used a compost before. But we have the space for it in the back yard and the council is promoting the gear a great price, so here we go.

Our e-update from homemade laundry detergent isn't a happy story. The soap hasn't really done the biz and so we've had to alternate between store bought and our own. We'll try different recipes for our own homemade cleaning cupboard, but so far, the main success has been white vinegar as a rinse aid in the dishwasher. Sparkle, sparkle.

In other news, a big huge "break a leg" to Lynn as her show opens soon and she's been working round the clock to help the kids make it a success.

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