The Hope Street Ball 2017 got off to a great start chez Team V.
So many of our favourite treats, British choc and even Iron Bru.
Antihistamines available for those allergic to cats. Anyone?
Straight to the Empress for our first, errr, I mean second or third, beverage. Lovely.
We made new friends at the bar. And we ate lots and lots of popcorn.
Partner swap based on outfits. These two looked like gorgeous newlyweds. As Glen's behaviour became more and more ridiculous through the evening, I was happy for the exchange! There's a chance Koji felt the same, oui Koji!?
Then, onward. And onward again. So much fun to be out with family/friends on a lovely night.
Straws are bad, Lynnie. Even if you wash them.
Time to taxi home, so that we can... workout!?!
And swim.
And climb over hot tub ledges (photo screening has begun at this time). Thank you Kevin for being the barmaster and the snackmaster!
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