Thursday, 14 March 2013

Five and Two

When a fire truck goes by, the little one is so excited by the speed and the flashing lights.  The older sister is aware that it means something could be wrong, and others might be suffering.

Mac can hardly "run".  But he tries.  And Sav is old enough now to "chase" him in a race, but let him win.

Sav will let Mac push the buttons on the lift, and she'll help him up on to the breakfast bar stool.

So mature and kind. And lovely to see her growing up.  But this brings new challenges and torment for our almost 6 year old.

Today, I forgot to give Sav money for a fundraiser at school in the morning.  Dob cycled in some money which the teacher put in Savvy's backpack for her at lunch. Spend some money on treats and raise funds for a new children's hospital.  When I collected Sav for choir, she was adamant the money wasn't there and she had not donated or bought any treats.  I gave her some cash so she could get her popcorn, the same kind as her friend.

Later, at home, Glen checked and checked with Sav about the money, ready to accuse the teacher of lifting the cash for herself.  Sav kept to her original story for quite some time.  But after more probing, it began to unravel.  Sav got to the stressed out state where she was semi chanting:  I'll pay you back the money. I'll pay it back.  But DON'T ask the teachers about it!

In the end, we discovered Sav had given the money to a friend, who didn't have any cash herself, so her friend could buy some treats.  And then the story goes on....

We're pleased Sav eventually told us what happened.  But we'd hoped to have had a wee stretch where we could coast with Sav. Alas.

Below, Nana, Mac and I are with Sav at her mini recital.  This was before all of the action - deception, crying and cuddles.


Nonno said...

C'est la vie, part of growing up,there will be many more times but let's hope they are not serious, just part of the learning curve.
They both sound very normal, Mac chasing Ambulances, Sav helping him to climb up, and helping friends with some spare cash.

Anonymous said...

Savvy spare cash/charity starts at 25 Cedar Grove ;)