Sunday, 24 April 2011

Whose Daughter is She, Anyway?

From outdoor rambler to "toddler on the cat walk", Savvy has her parents confused.

Dob and I are wondering if there was a baby switch in the mat ward. While Glen's searching for bike parts, and I am buying new hikers, Sav is negotiating when and where she can wear the high heels that her (evil) auntie Andrea bought her. Her love of fashion and all things pink and purple only seems to be heightening.

Below are the outfits that Savvy has laid out for the week ahead, after much careful consideration. And as I was about to take a snap to capture the lot, she panicked, eyes wide: "WAIT!".

She fetched her boa (from the other (evil) auntie Lynnie), expertly swung it around her neck and instructed: "There. Go."


Anonymous said...

That's my GIRL.

Anonymous said...

Stella McCartney eat your heart out!!!
Don't worry savvy, that's just what your m&d thinks. You know your favourite aunties only have your best interests at heart. Stick with us kid we WILL lead you astray (evil laugh).
Now wee mac your can we wynd your m&d up lol