The little one has inherited MegaDob's love for throwing stones. Sadly, the water is rising and the "stone zone" will soon be swallowed by the river Allan. She likes to carry around her little red boots, but she's not so keen on wearing them so we can't even wade in a little.
A mini update on her progress:
Savvy is now choosing all of her outfits. She does pjs a lot as a base layer. But sometimes pjs over jeans. Prada Christmas dress over pjs. Pjs over pjs. The backpack is a key accessory. Coats (and I mean multiple) over her backpack which is over her dress which is over her pjs. Socks that don't match. Shoes that don't match. Nappies over trousers. A whole lot of naked. And any a zillion combinations of the above. I use to explain when we got to nursery but now I just pass her over.
She's all about the potty. Talking about the potty and pointing to it, I mean.
She spends a lot of time in the naughty corner. She even puts herself there now after a tantrum or one of her famous food throwing incidents. It's the quietest 60 seconds of the day.
She's about 50+ words behind her "colleagues" of a similar age. (She has three words, and that's including animal sounds. Without "oof off" (dog barking), we're screwed). But we're not worried since she can out climb the lot.
We're pretty excited about Halloween, except she's a bit afraid of my costume. And since my costume is the same as her costume, it could be pretty slow going!
All for now.
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