Thursday, 11 September 2008

We went to Italy and lost our siesta

When we left the bridge, the little niblet slept 11 hours at night and 2 hours in the day. This is a total of 13 hours every 24 hour period. During nap time, everybody wins. Rested baby; rested parents.

From the time we hit Rome, crossed to Florence and made it to our camspite on the sea, to the time we left Venice, Savage maybe slept a total of 10 hours a day - no real siesta. That is a 3 hour loss of free time for Dob and I every single day. Ouch. and ZZZZZ. Where did our siesta go? We didn't find it in the gelato bar, nor at the pool. It was no where to be found as Savage threw tantrums in the Italian Piazzas or went mental at the Vatican (Savage was generally a pretty crap site see-er, but a pretty awesome pool party girl: See "Have a colourful day" video at the end of the blog). We looked in the shops and at many a restaurant and park. But the siesta was no where to be found.

Despite our sleep deprivation, which included multiple get ups in the night, midnight walkabouts around our campsite, and early morning Nutella attacks on the beach pre sunrise, we had a great time. Savvy eventually started to crash in the funniest places when her batteries died and so mini mini mini naps on the move became an option. The holiday became particularily lovely when Savvy started eating again, and when we hooked up with Shark and Ty who even treated us to a night away from the wee one. A big thanks to Squalo for motivating us to head to Italy, and to the Ty-man for his map reading skills. Also thanks to Nonna who did some stellar research for us in finding our VacanSoleil campsite and to PBC for recommending the ergo which was a life saver.

A little Italy below.



(That would be Savage curled up in a ball on the floor, much to the delight of the Italian Senores)

Nutella Attack - her only source of protein for the first week

Glen's Compleanno Notte. Happy 33 MegaDob.

Barricata Beach, Adriatic Sea

Savage was the only sunsuit baby - the others were naked and BROWN

Due to her refusal to nap or sleep through the night, Savvy would play and play and play until she would literally fall over while chewing on raisins or in mid "sentence". You would look away for 2 seconds, look back, and she would be crashed and snoring.


Map Reader in Action

Ergo in Action

Marco and his gondola - a highlight for all (!) It's a Colourful Day Dance in the vid below.

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