Savage was in good form, except at bed time, during the night, and in the morning. There are only so many times you can send a baby down a wet slide, or express delight at her opening and closing the car glove compartment at 5 in the morning.
Thanks to Andrea, Nonno, and Nonna for arranging the trip and treating us to the company of four little horrors. Also for the babysitting so that Glen and I could go biking in one of Scotland's seven stanes, Kirroughtree (a lovely ride).
Shaun burried by Uncle Glen and Wendy having a think on the beach.
Savvy using the front of the car as a slide...not bad considering she was wearing socks.
Savvy wasn't too bad in the sand. After all, it took weeks to condition her to the feel of grass.
I see London, I see France... Higher, Uncle Glen, higher!
The pasta dinner was soon demolished by a dalmation at the site next door. Glen and I were in the tent so only caught the tail end. Savvy held her own.
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