One year ago today we arrived in Canada, having moved from Scotland after a wonderful 12 years there.
(Vancouver Santa parade: we're never too far away from the heart of the Scots)
Sav is well on her way to being bilingual. Her highlights from the year are: paddleboarding to school, having her own room, hanging with Aunt Lynnie, and school. She loves ice skating, rollerblading, and skiing (mostly when being pulled by Joey). She loves our weekly tea and swim at Nana's.
Mac pushes chunky things about the house, scratching the floor and declaring his love for zambonis. He potty trained himself over a couple day stretch, straight to dry nights and taking care of business all on his own on the big boy toilet. That makes him pretty much the cutest thing there ever was. He has a best friend, Sophia, at nursery and they love skipping off "to work" together.
Glen Dobson still thinks our internet is provided by a company called Letus. (He got his permanent residency status, but at this rate, I doubt he'll pass the citizenship test). Preparations for Mac Ride continue, as do Glen's plans -big BIG plans- for the backyard.
I am in the midst of a very challenging but exciting process at work at UBC. Highlights to my crazy schedule include bed time snuggles with the kids, weekend mornings in jammies at the Starbucks 4 doors away, and working with Savvy on her reading. (I am kidding about the last one-- it's torture.)
We have amazing tenants in our basement and they are babysitting for us Saturday night, supplementing Nana's fabulous child minding quota. Hello date night!
(UBC Christmas party silliness)
We almost have a family doctor (our best option is a place down the road-- they said to call back in January...2015!). Although we've needed a fair few trips to the dentist (thank you, UBC extended health care and
no thank you NHS dental care...), we are very lucky to have kept in good health. Even though we miss the Bridge and our British based friends and family terribly, THAT is something to be very cheery about over the holidays.
Thank you Vancouver. Thank you friends. Thank you family!