A few pics - we have been busy painting, sharking, jumping, splashing, and playing.
A little update on Savvy at 21 months:
- She is loving her magic and her money. We have loose change everywhere, and special blankets and boxes clutter the flat for her tricks too.
- After 21 months of ice block hands, Savvy has finally started wearing mitts. At long last. She also uses her mitts with her magic and her money, and then you get a real show. This is equally true for her pockets (pocky). All items of clothing mut have pockets or they are no gos. This includes pyjamas.
- While the vocab is still limited, Savvy understands everything.
- She no longer views the "time out" corner as a place for the cool kids and will usually pick up thrown food in order to avoid a trip there. She will also say she is "sorry" (no words yet; this involves a soft lingering head butt) after taking your toy or poking you in the eye.
- We are able to do some serious negotiating with Savvy. She is capable of finding an item she does not care about, to offer it in exchange for something she wants. She is surprisingly skilled at tracking an item that you might actually care about for trading.
- Savvy will eat a bite of something healthy in order to secure the right to a bite of something tastier (read, sweeter).
- Brushing teeth is the work of the devil. It's a fight morning and night.
- Savvy has given up her daytime nap. This is bad for megadob and I. Real bad.
- While she still shouts "mine" alot. She also knows "no mine" to indicate something might belong to someone else (like a park slide, a police car, or my hand). She can also say "no mo" (shake head from left to right) to indicate she understand she is not allowed any more. And then she will help you put back the jar of peanut butter she was eating direct from a spoon and hand. Five seconds later she will give encouraging looks to have the previous decision revoked (shake head up and down; smile; point to the cupboard with the PB and look cute "mo" "mo" "mo").
Our main challenge is to bring out Savvy's softer side while celebrating her sense of fun and humour. The themes for 2009 will be sharing and gentle. And Savvy, just in case you can secretly log on with your Early Learning laptop and read our family blog, let's also make 2009 the year of sleeping through the night.